

• Fetzer, James H.(ed.), The 9/11 Conspiracy: The Scamming of America, Carus Publ. Co. (Illinois) 2007

• Gaffney, Mark H., The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America, Trine Day LCC (Oregon) 2008

• Griffin, David Ray, 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, Olive Branch Press (Northampton) 2008

• Griffin, David Ray, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11, Westminster John Know Press (Louisville, London) 2006

• Griffin, David Ray, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Olive Branch Press (Northampton) 2005

• Griffin, David Ray, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé, Olive Branch Press (Northampton) 2008

• Griffin, David Ray, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, Olive Branch Press (Northampton) 2004

• Henshall Ian and Rowland Morgan, 9.11 Revealed: Challenging the Facts behind the War on Terror, Robinson (London) 2005

• Hopsicker, Daniel, Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida, The Mad Cow Press (Oregon) 2004

• Lance, Peter, The 9/11 Commission Cover-Up: What the Government is Still Hiding About the War on Terror, ReganBooks, 2004

• Morgan, Rowland, Flight 93 Revealed: What really happened on the 9/11 ‘Let’s Roll’ flight?  Robinson (London) 2006

• Ruppert, Michael C., Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire and the End of the Age of Oil, New Society Publishers, 2004

• Scott, Peter Dale, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America, University of California Press, 2007

• Tarpley, Webster Griffin, 9/11 Synthetic Terrorism Made in USA, Progressive Press, 2006

• Zwicker, Barrie, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11,  New Society Publishers, 2006

Kritische Literatur über das 11. September 2001 (in Deutsch)

• Mathias Bröckers, Verschwörungen, Verschwörungstheorien und die Geheimnisse des 11.9 (Zweitausendeins, 2002)

• Mathias Bröckers und Andreas Hauß, Fakten, Fälschungen und die unterdrückten Beweise des 11.9 (Zweitausendeins, 2003)

• Mathias Bröckers und Christian C. Walther, 11.9 – zehn Jahre danach: Der Einsturz eines Lügengebäudes (Westend, 2011)

• Andreas von Bülow, Die CIA und der 11. September: Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste: Neue Erkenntnisse 10 Jahre danach (Piper Verlag, 2011)

• Daniel Hopsicker, Welcome to Terrrorland: Mohammed Atta und seine amerikanischen Helfer (Zweitausendeins, 2004)

• Christian C. Walther, Der zensierte Tag: Wie man Menschen, Meinungen und Maschinen steuert (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 2004)

• Gerhard Wisnewski, Operation 9/11: Angriff auf dem Globus (Knauer Taschenbuch,2003)

• Gerhard Wisnewski, Mythos 9/11: Der Wahrheit auf der Spur, Neue Enthüllungen (Knauer, Taschenbuch, 2004)

• Gerhard Wisnewski, Operation 9/11: 10 Jahre danach – neue Beweise (Knauer Taschenbuch, 2011)

Kritische Literatur über den “islamistischen Terrorismus”

• Aaronson, Trevor, “The Informants”, Mother Jones, September/October 2011, at

• Aggoun, Lounis and Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, Françalgérie, crimes et mensonges d’États, La Découverte (Paris) 2004

• Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq, The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism, Olive Branch Press, Northampton (Mass.), 2005

• Davidsson, Elias:  The Amman Hotel Bombings of 2005, unpubl. manuscript, www

• Davidsson, Elias:  The Attack on the Synagogue in Djerba (Tunisia), unpubl. manuscript, www

• Davidsson, Elias:  The Istanbul bombings of November 2003, unpubl. manuscript, www

• Davidsson, Elias:  The Terrorist Patsies from Sauerland, Germany, November 2012, unpubl. manuscript, www

• Davidsson, Elias:  The Toronto 18, unpubl. manuscript, www

• Keenan, Jeremy, The Dark Sahara: America’s War on Terror in Africa, Pluto Press (London) 2009

• Kollerstrom, Nick, Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7, Progressive Press, California, 2011

• Lance, Peter, Triple Cross: How Bin Laden’s Master Spy Penetrated the CIA, the Green Berets, and the FBI, HarpersCollings Publishers, New York, 2006

• Miquel, Mathieu, “Attentats de Madrid: l’hypothèse atlantiste”, Réseau Voltaire, 6 novembre 2009, at

• Rooper Alison (executive producer of film): “Massacre in Luxor”, BBC, 2002, at

• Samraoui, Mohammed, Chronique des années de sang: Algérie – comment les services secrets ont manipulé les groupes islamstes, Editions Denoël (Paris) 2003


Zu Geheimarmeen der NATO (Gladio):

Zu den 11. September: