Communiqué by Elias Davidsson regarding the mass murder in London 7/7
Communiqué by Elias Davidsson
re: Mass murder in London
Posted 8 July 2005
The mass murder (underground bombings) committed in London yesterday – 7 July 2005 – was a vicious attack by every conceivable human norm. Even if this attack was meant to “punish” England for its participation in the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the perpetrators did not target military or government leaders or institutions but ordinary people, British and others, who happened to travel in central London. Such crime is revolting and is rightly denounced by every person, regardless of political opinion, national origin or religion. The victims of this murder deserve all our sympathy and help. Their dignity requires that those who masterminded and executed this wicked act of murder must be identified and brought to justice, whoever they are. This applies equally to those who are helping to cover up the crime, whoever they are.
In attempting to narrow down the list of suspects, we must ask – withour any preconceived idea – who were to benefit from this crime. According to security experts, the crime showed a high degree of sophistication and skills. One may therefore assume that the instigators choose carefully their targets in view of the foreseeable consequences of their acts. Had they chosen British political leaders responsible for U.K. participation in the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the perpetrators might have elicited some sympathy around the world, and perhaps even among the British public. By deliberately choosing to kill ordinary people, including tourists, the aim was obviously to create mass revulsion against the perpetrators (claiming to represent an islamic organisation, Al Qaeda), cause ordinary people to rally around their government, demand increased police powers, strengthen Western cohesion (against an allegedly violent Muslim world), secure increases in defense and security funding, and cow people into submission to power. Who are those who desire such goals?
It is worth to study the history of “false flag operations“, namely operations staged to look like they have been perpetrated by the “enemy”. The perpetrators of such operations may include patsies who hardly know for whom they operate and do sometimes not even know the purpose of the task they are assigned. At other times, the perpetrators are dedicated persons acting for a foreign intelligence service. Among the most notorious “false flag” operations are the burning of the Reichstag in Berlin, which helped Adolf Hitler to abolish constitutional rights; the Lavon affair in the 1950s in which Israeli operatives in Egypt placed bombs at U.S. facilities in Cairo in order to create dissent between the U.S. and Egypt; and the Northwoods operation, designed by members of the U.S. administration in order to create a pretext for a U.S. attack against Cuba. In that case, the operation consisted of faking Cuban atacks on U.S. ships and planes. It included the killing of real and fake Americans and the staging of phoney funerals. The operation did not take place but remained a blueprint for potential and future operations. No nation will participate in war unless prodded by deceit and lies.
It is slowly emerging that the mass murder of 11 September 2001 was a “false flag” operation intended to create a world-wide sympathy for America and support for an unlimited and forceful “war on terrorism”, including foreign aggression, invasion and occupation. The perpetrators are to be found within the highest echelons of U.S. government. The truth is seeping through the wall of media silence. It’s only a matter of time when the full truth will be uncovered. The 9/11-truth movement is gaining strength by the day.
How many are aware that the British government has refused to produce evidence it allegedly possesses regarding the responsibility of Al Qaeda for the mass murder of 11 September 2001? How many are aware that there is actually not a single shred of hard evidence linking this ghost organisation to this crime? How many are aware that neither the U.S. nor the U.K. have shown any interest in detaining Osama bin Laden, a person not even indicted for his alleged part in 9/11? How many know that not a single person has been convicted for participating in the planning of this mass murder?
We all know that both the British and the U.S. governments used outright lies and deception regarding non-existing weapons of mass destruction, to justify their war against Iraq. These lies were not innocent. They were words which caused the killing of 100,000 people in Iraq, a human devastation vastly exceeding by a factor of 50 the world-wide number of people killed yearly by terrorist acts. Yet those who used lies to inflict this human devastation have not been indicted and continue to rule.
Considering the above observations, can anyone trust the British government to fully investigate yesterday’s mass murder in London?
I urge readers to consider seriously these questions and keep a watchful eye on future official pronouncements and acts that will be based on findings regarding yesterday’s mass murder. Let us not be deceived, once again, into a contrived solidarity against ghosts. Those who create the semblance of a Muslim worldwide conspiracy are perhaps nearer home than we suspect.
Elias Davidsson
8 July 2005