Media not reporting when ‘Flight 93 found buried’ further proves it didn’t
July 22, 2009
Media not reporting when ‘Flight 93 found buried’ further proves it didn’t
Remember how suspicious it was that the media barely reported about the highly unusual collapse of the huge 47-story WTC 7 skyscraper? Well imagine if the media didn’t report about this collapse until a month later! What a smoking gun that would have been. But lo and behold, this is exactly what happened with a major claim about Flight 93 that we’ve missed all along.
I issued this challenge because it’s hard to believe that tons and tons of plane wreckage was buried underneath that shallow Shanksville crater, yet even though officials were photographing the excavation, there just seemed to be an extraordinary lack of evidence coming out of that hole to support the extraordinary claim that 80% of Flight 93 was buried underground and the only visual evidence that any plane debris came out of the ground was only one photo of an un-submerged, dirt-free engine scrap that I showed was most likely planted by the backhoe bucket seen next to it.
Sometimes the lack of evidence is proof that a claim is false and just as with the lack of plane wreckage seen coming out of the excavated hole, another piece of evidence is severally lacking for a claim that most assuredly would be extremely newsworthy:
most of Flight 93 was supposedly found!
Now be clear on something, the media eventually reported that most of Flight 93 had supposedly buried underground (shown below), but as far as I can tell, the media never reported when most of Flight 93 was supposedly found.
After the alleged crash, the news started reported about the first witnesses who arrived at the scene being stunned at what they saw, because they were told a plane just crashed there, but they said it didn’t look like it.
“It didn’t look like a plane crash because there was nothing that looked like a plane,” Barron said.
“I never seen anything like it,” Barron said. “Just like a big pile of charcoal.”
…said Nina Lensbouer…”But I got there and there was nothing, nothing there but charcoal. Instantly, it was charcoal.” – (09/12/01)
“[Mark] Stahl said…He didn’t realize a passenger jet had crashed until a firefighter told him.
“If they hadn’t told us a plane had wrecked, you wouldn’t have known…” Delano said.” – (09/12/01)
The news also reported that officials said most of the plane must have bounced into the woods, presumably because it didn’t look like much of a plane was left in and around the crater.
“Officials told WTAE’s Marcie Cipriani that it looked like the plane was headed south when it hit the ground. Most of the plane’s debris kept traveling after the plane hit and landed in the woods past the mine. Most of the debris is small.” – (09/11/01)
The news then reported that people thought that most of the plane must have disintegrated because apparently they didn’t find much of the plane in the woods.
“the plane is pretty much disintegrated. There’s nothing left but scorched trees,” said Mark Stahl. – Daily American (09/12/01)
“It looked like it hit and disintegrated,” Delano said. – (09/12/01)
“Once it hit, everything just disintegrated,” said state police spokesman Trooper Thomas Spallone. – (09/12/01)
The news also reported that not only that there were no survivors, but witnesses didn’t even see any bodies.
“Captain Frank Monaco, commanding officer of the Pennsylvania State Police, said nothing larger than a telephone book remained. There were no survivors.” – Boston Globe (09/12/01)
“[Eric] Peterson said he saw no bodies, but there also was no sign of life.” – (09/12/01)
At this point, the accounts reported by the news made it seem like most of Flight 93 was essentially gone, along with most of the alleged 44 passengers, which would be quite a blow in being able to identify victims.
Then on 9/13, the news reported when officials said they found the Flight Data Recorder in the crater and thought that the finding of this black box was so newsworthy that they made it the headline of the article.
Investigators locate ‘black box’ from Flight 93
Thursday, September 13, 2001
“Investigators this afternoon discovered the “black box” containing flight data recordings from United Flight 93 at the crash site in rural Somerset County. Pittsburgh FBI spokesman Bill Crowley said the flight data recorder was found about 4:50 p.m. in the main crater at the crash site, located near Shanksville.” –
The next day on 9/14, the news reported when the Cockpit Voice Recorder was supposedly found and also felt it was newsworthy enough to make it the headline of the article. The news also mentioned it was supposedly found 25ft underground.
Second Black Box Found At Somerset Site
POSTED: 5:24 pm EDT September 14, 2001
“The cockpit voice recorder from the hijacked United Flight 93 that crashed in Somerset County was found late Friday…It was found at 8:25 p.m., about 25 feet within the crater created by the crash…” –
(Note that, as far as I can tell, the news never reported right away how far crews supposedly had to dig down to find the FDR black box. It would be years later until it was reported they had to dig 15 feet to find it. See also where I show how obvious these black boxes were staged.)
But then 10 days later on 9/24, the news all of a sudden reported that almost all of the plane had been recovered when officials announced they finished their investigation of the scene.
FBI finished with Pennsylvania crash site probe
September 24, 2001
“The FBI announced Monday that its investigation of the site where a hijacked jet slammed into a field here is complete and that 95 percent of the plane was recovered.” –
And this is when things are so unbelievable.
The news had just reported how stunned the first witnesses to the scene were because it didn’t look like a plane had crashed, along with witnesses and officials there assuming that most of the plane must have disintegrated, and also that there looked to be no survivors or even bodies and now all of a sudden, the news reports that almost all of the plane has been recovered”??
Um, just when and where was most of Flight 93 found”! The news just got through reporting that essentially most of Flight 93 and its 44 passengers were gone!
Are you telling me the news didn’t find it newsworthy enough to report that most of Flight 93 wasn’t gone after all, but was found and not only that, was found buried underground and not only that, was buried so far underground that the recovery crews had to dig 15ft under the shallow crater to find it and not only that, no one knew it was buried because the hole closed in on itself and not only that, by finding where most of the plane was, they would have most likely found where most of the passengers were too and not only that, a large plane being buried like Flight 93 supposedly was would have been unprecendented! Talk about finding the “motherload” and the news not caring to report it.
Another thing interesting is when the news started reporting on the alleged passengers being identified that, as far as I can tell, it was only two days before the news reported that almost all of Flight 93 was found and again, the news never mentions where these alleged victims remains where found.
“[Dr. Dennis] Dirkmaat said, he is 100 percent certain that individuals will be identified. So far, none have been identified.” – Post-Gazette (09/16/01)
Four Flight 93 victims identified
“Investigators have identified remains of four of the 44 people aboard Flight 93, the jetliner that crashed here 11 days ago, the Somerset County coroner said yesterday.” – (09/22/01)
Coroner identifies seven more victims of Flight 93 crash
“Seven victims of the Sept. 11 United Airlines Flight 93 crash in Somerset County were positively identified over the weekend, bringing the number of identified bodies to 11.” – Post-Gazette (09/24/01)
If most of Flight 93 was really buried underground where it was claimed, the media would have reported it when they reported that the Flight Data Recorder was supposedly found on 9/13 which was supposedly found after the recovery crews dig 15ft under the shallow crater.
But the funny thing is that the news did report about the recovery crew finding one other piece of plane debris supposedly found buried in the ground and that it was found on the same day the FDR black box was. So guess which one? That’s right, they reported about the piece in the only photo seen of plane debris supposedly being dug out of the hole that I mentioned above; the suspected planted engine scrap.
Black box recovered at Shanksville site
“FBI Agent William Crowley announced Thursday afternoon that investigators using heavy equipment found the recorder in a crater at the crash site near Lambertsville in Stonycreek Township.
Searchers yesterday also found one of the hijacked jetliner’s engines. But by evening, the cockpit voice recorder had not been recovered.” – Pittsburgh Live (09/14/01)
If the news reported when officials supposedly found the first black box after digging down in the ground and also reported they supposedly found part of one of the plane’s engines also while digging, there is absolutely no logical reason for the news not to have reported right away that most of the 155ft-long, 60ton Boeing 757 was found. Contents of the plane that would have been found down in the ground along with the black boxes and engine that were reported would be: 44 passengers, their luggage, hundreds of passenger seats, 3 huge landing gears 10 huge tires and rims, and possibly sections of the tail (since both black boxes located in the tail section supposedly burrowed far undergound and there is no evidence of the tailsection above ground), amongst tons and tons of other plane debris.
It would only be until a month later that the official story claiming most of Flight 93 buried itself was reported by the media, but it was just a vague little blurb in an article that wasn’t about what happened to most of the plane, but in an article about the local corner who was involved.
Coroner’s quiet unflappability helps him take charge of Somerset tragedy
“Even in the middle of it all, where trees were scorched and the Boeing 757’s fuselage disintegrated in a crater that collapsed on itself to leave a gouge maybe 14 feet across, the destruction was so complete that it was hard to imagine what happened.” – Pittsburg Post Gazette (10/15/01)
The only other times the news reported that most of Flight 93 was buried was years later in anniversary reports of the alleged crash.
The day that changed America
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
“The plane pitched, then rolled, belly up. It hit nose-first, like a lawn dart. It disintegrated, digging more than 30 feet into the earth, which was spongy from the old mine work.” – pittsburghlive.comSmall town shoulders a nation’s grief
published September 10, 2003
“The site had been mined for coal, then refilled with dirt. It was still soft when Flight 93 crashed, and firefighters said the Boeing 757 tunneled right in. They had to dig 15 feet to find it.” –
There is only one logical reason why the media didn’t report when most of Flight 93 was supposedly found buried underground which is the most likely place where most of the 44 passengers would have been; because it never happened.