Questions to readers
3. On what evidence did the United States conclude before October 2, 2001, that the mass murder of 9/11 was masterminded in Afghanistan or directed from there?
4. Who placed explosives in the Twin Towers and in World Trade Center no. 7 before 9/11?
5. Why have governments of Islamic nations failed to highlight the fact that no Muslims boarded the aircraft used as tools of mass murder on 9/11?
6. Why do US administrations act as agents for Zionist interests, such as urging other states to recognize Israel and its founding ideology, Zionism?
7. Why has Saddam Hussein not been charged for causing the deaths of half a million children in the sanctions period?
8. Why did the Palestinian people fail to secure even minimal rights in over half a century?
9. Why do UN member states refuse legal remedies to innocent victims of UN sanctions?
10. Why are political leaders suspected of torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity, so seldom prosecuted?