World Jewish body acting for the State of Israel in China
Alan Montague
Jewish Chronicle (UK)
28 Oct. 1991
China-Israel relations are thawing as Peking admits UN resolution [on Zionism] was wrong
Jewish-Chinese relations have received a major boost following the first-ever meeting in Peking between a communal leader and a top Chinese government official.
Mr Qian Qichen, Chin Foreign Minister, last week gave a 45-minute audience to mr Isi Leibler, co-chairman of the World Jewish Congress, at which he indicated that China was moving towards full diplomatic relations with Isarel.
He added that China would like to assist in the Middle East peace process. Previously the country has followed a pro-PLO policy.
In what Mr Leibler described as “open and frank? talks, Mr Qichen also dissociated China from the 1975 United Nations resolution equating Zionism with racism, a resolution the Chinese had co-sponsored.
“It was plain to us that China now regards the wording of the resolution as a gross distortion and a slanderous slur on the Jewish people,” Mr Leibler said.
“Mr Qichen gave a clear admission of embarrassment at being associated with the resolution. He implied that, if the matter was raised at the UN at an appropriate time, China would end that association.”
Mr Leibler added that Mr Qichen had talked with warmth about his acquaintance with former Israeli Foreign Ministers, Mr Shimon Peres and Mr Moshe Arens, and said that last month he had met with Israeli counterpart, Mr David Levy.
At the WJC executive in London on Wednesday, the president Mr Edgar Bronfman said he was meeting Cuban leader Fidel Castro next week to seek his support against the UN resolution.