Writings by Elias Davidsson
Writings by Elias Davidsson
International Affairs, Public International Law
- The Security Council’s Obligations of Good Faith (Published in Florida J. of International Law, Summer 2003, Vol. XV, No. 4, pp. 541-574)
- Governance and Legitimacy in the Era of Globalization
- Comment on Fernando Teson’s article ‘Defending International Law’ (Published in International Legal Theory, ASIL, Fall 2005, Volume 11, pp.99-106)
- Trial of Saddam Used as Cover-Up of US-UK War Crimes
- How should the world’s peoples respond to US aggression against Iraq ?
- Mass murderers in dark suits
- UN Sec.Gen. Kofi Annan: Public Relations Officer for the NWO
- IMF and Third World governments: A relationship of coercion or collusion?
- Communiqué by Elias Davidsson on Osama bin Laden’s murder
- US-UK Aggression against Iraq: Statement by Elias Davidsson, 17 December 2008
The Mass Murder of 11. September
- This is why 9/11 Matters
- No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11
- An unresolved mystery: The mass murder of 9/11
- Simple math demonstrates that the official 9/11 account is afabrication (Published by globalresearch.ca, Sept. 29, 2004)
- The question of negative proof and 9/11
- U.S. in violation with UN resolutions on 9/11
- Some international law issues related to the events of 9/1
- 9/11: Defense Contractor and CNN collaborated on Analysis of Collapse of World Trade Center Towers
- Letter from Elias Davidsson to House of Lords
- Moussaoui’s trial: Open letter to Judge Leonie Brinkema
- Open letter to Stand-By Counsel of Zacarias Moussaoui
- The 9/11 attacks provided unique opportunities to the U.S. government
- Is Zacarias Moussaoui’s “admission of guilt” legally valid ?
- Participants in the Cover-Up of 9/11: The Case of American and United Airlines
- German court bases 9/11 judgment on conspiracy theory
- Serious travesty of justice in Germany in an alleged 9/11 case
- Moussaoui is innocent
- The dangerous Cult of 9/11
- Is it unthinkable that US leaders would mastermind the murder of 3,000 of their citizens?
- The case of Muhammad Haidar Zammar
Other Cases of Terrorism or of Alleged Terrorism
- The ‘war on terrorism’ – a double fraud on humanity (Published in International Studies Journal (Tehran), Fall 2006, Vol,. 3, No. 2, pp.45-84)
- “International Terrorism” as a Contrived Threat
- Statistics on terrorism fatalities in Europe
- A new FBI-inspired terror plot?
- Communique re: the Mass Murder of July 7th 2005 in London
- Academic prostitution in the field of terrorism studies
Economic Oppression and Human Rights
- Remote forms of oppression in the light of Stanley Milgram’s experiments
- Human rights protection in a globalized economy
- The mechanism of economic sanctions: Changing perceptions and euphemisms
- Towards a definition of economic sanctions
- Economic sanctions and the inherent dignity of the human person
- Legal Boundaries to UN [Economic] Sanctions (Published in The International J. of Human Rights (UK), Winter 2003, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.1-50)
- The Role of the U.N. Security Council in Crippling the Iraqi Economy 1990-2003, an Annotated Timeline
- Some legal aspects of the economic sanctions against the people of Iraq
- U.N. Sanctions against Iraq – Measures of Specific Deprivation
- Did we abandon the Iraqi people?
- Letter to the Editor (Baghdad Observer, 22 September 1999)
- United States’ Foreseeability, Awareness and Knowledge of the Consequences of the Sanctions Against Iraq
- Economic Sanctions and the Question of Causation
- Economic oppression as an international wrong or as crime against humanity (abstract)
- Economic oppression as an international wrong or as crime against humanity (complete text) (Published in the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, June 2005, Vol. 23 No.2, pp. 173-212)
- The Universal Duty to Respect Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Draft Resolution by Human Rights Commission
- The Oslo Agreement: A dangerous illusion (1993)
- The right of existence of the State of Israel and Israel’s territorial integrity
- Shimon Peres’ criminal liability under international law
- Memorandum on Yitzhak Rabin’s participation in war crimes
- Yitzhak Rabin: The grand deceiver
- Eulogy of Yitzhak Rabin
- Critique of a Report by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
- A Vision for Enduring Peace in Palestine
- Arafat’s Surrender (1993)
- The Palestinian RIght of Return precedes the right of Soviet citizens to settle in Israel
- Letter to Jimmy Carter re. the Jewish State
- For an Indivisible and Free Palestine
- How UN members agree to vote in bad faith: The case of Zionism=Racism
- Jews or Zionists? Three Approaches