Zionist Congress resolution: Further Jewish colonization
Settlement as Zionist Fulfillment
34th Zionist Congress Resolutions
18. Encouraging Settlement 19. The Roles of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency in Settlement Activity 20. Aliyah Groups for Settlement 21. Agricultural Settlement 22. Recognition of Keren Kayemet Le”Israel 23. Settlement as Zionist Action
18. Encouraging Settlement
Jewish settlement in the State of Israel represents the expression of the fulfillment of the Zionist vision. Therefore,
It is hereby resolved by the 34th Zionist Congress to encourage, cultivate, assist and strengthen Jewish settlement of all types in the State of Israel.
19. The Roles of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency in Settlement Activity
1. The Zionist Congress instructs its leaders in the World Zionist Organization and of the institutions of the Jewish Agency to operate within the institutions of the Jewish Agency, in order to ensure continuing and extended activities in the field of settlement, also after the year 2004. The aim of this activity is to strengthen, accompany, encourage and develop rural settlement in the Negev, in the Arava and in the Galil, whereby the Jewish people in the Diaspora should be recruited and made to actively cooperate in the act of settlement and development of the land, in funding and populating, so as to give meaning to each act of settlement of the land and its development.
2. The Zionist Congress demands that the leaders of the World Zionist Organization and the leaders of the Jewish Agency immediately remove all bureaucratic obstacles which hinder the expansion of settlement in the regions of the Negev and Arava, the Galil and in the periphery ? to help develop and promote economic projects, local and regional, and to encourage the absorption of new settlers based on business initiatives.
3. The Zionist Congress instructs its representatives on the executive of the World Zionist Organization and in the institutions of the Jewish Agency for Israel, as well as the Jewish National Fund, to lead and guide processes within the executive of the World Zionist Organization, the executive of the Jewish Agency and its institutions, and the Jewish National Fund, to initiate, lead and guide processes within the executive of the World Zionist Organization, in the executive of the Jewish Agency and its institutions, and in the Jewish National Fund, in cooperation with the Israeli government, so as to promote and fulfill the following goals:
i. Encouragement and stimuli for the absorption of new settlers in the Negev and Arava, as well as in the Galil. ii. Encouragement and stimuli for the absorption of new settlers, mainly of the young population in settlements located in the region of the Negev and Arava, as well as in the Galil. iii. To keep land reserves and open territories, to create green lungs, as a land reserve for coming generations, and as a contribution to the quality of life and environment of the citizens of Israel. iv. Encouragement of combined economic and social activity among the rural, community and urban settlements within the field of activity of the Jewish Agency, in the Negev and Arava, as well as in the Galil. v. To create integration in the fields of education, culture, society, economy, and local cooperation regarding municipal and other services, among the rural settlers and settlers in rural areas, as well as community and urban changes in the Negev and Arava and in the Galil.
20. Aliyah Groups for Settlement
The Zionist Congress understands the importance of the settlement of young immigrants in Israel as part of the Zionist vision coming true,
The Zionist Congress encourages it, and is happy to see the organization of Aliyah groups of students and young people in the Diaspora.
21. Agricultural Settlement
1. The Zionist Congress reconfirms the centrality of agricultural Jewish settlement in the State of Israel as one of the main tools for the attainment of Zionist goals, as defined and determined in legislation, as well as in the Jerusalem Programme. 2. The Zionist Congress regards the settlements, the settlers, and the settlement movements as the backbone of the Zionist act regarding the settlement and creation of the State of Israel and the settlement of the Jewish people in its own land, and will act toward its promotion, development and proper establishment, while remaining aware of the rights of the settlers and their proper anchoring.
22. Recognition of Keren Kayemet Le’Israel
The Zionist Congress congratulates the Jewish National Fund, its heads and leaders, contributors and employees, on 100 years of productive activity.
The Zionist Congress expresses its admiration and appreciation for the activities of the Jewish National Fund throughout the years of its existence and activity, and in all fields of its Zionist activity, educational and economic ? the redemption of the land, and its reclamation and enhancement. The preparation of land for agriculture, settlement, and construction, forestation and planting and developing the environment, green areas, environmental and air quality, the establishment of parks, the preservation of nature, the creation of blazing roads and scenic routes from which to admire views, the rehabilitation of riverbeds, the repairing of environmental damage, the establishment of water reservoirs, help for the national, regional and local water enterprises; the development of agricultural research and supporting areas of research and development in different areas of the country; educational activity among young Israelis to promote love for the country, for its nature, and for its landscapes, as well as cooperation with world Jewry in all fields of activity of the Jewish National Fund, regarding funding, planting, education of young people, and the redemption of the land.
The Zionist Congress recognizes the importance of economic viability in the regions of the Negev, Arava and the Galil, so as to ensure the continuing settlement of these areas. The Zionist Congress thanks the Jewish National Fund for Israel for its contribution to the agricultural field of research and development, and calls upon it to increase its investment in this field, so as to help the settlers who must cope with extremely difficult conditions ? lack of water, labor, limitations of climate and world competition that encourages agriculture in other countries.
The Zionist Congress recognizes the importance of the issue of environmental quality, and connects this issue to the values of Judaism and Zionism. The Zionist Congress thanks the Jewish National Fund for its contribution on this issue, and calls upon it to reinforce its activity in this field, by restoring riverbeds and rehabilitating environmental damage, by establishing secondary water reservoirs and creating parks and forests.
23. Settlement as Zionist Action 1. The prime national missions stand today before settlement as guarding the nation’s lands and an answer to the demographic challenge in peripheral areas. These require special efforts for their development, population and the basis of distant desert and lightly populated areas.
The 34th Zionist Congress sees the settlement activities as a preferred aim of the World Zionist Organization and places on the Zionist Executive the task of working to establish and found Jewish settlement in the Negev and the Galil.
This activity will be done in full co-operation with the Government of Israel, the Jewish Agency and Keren Kayemet Le’Israel, in order to realize all of the resources of the State and the Jewish Agency in place for this target.
2. Since the 33rd Zionist Congress the settlement project has sustained difficult tests of stormy days, conflict and bloody riots.
The Zionist Congress sends greetings of support to settlers and blesses the Settlement Department and its workers on the efforts made to provide fitting solutions to the urgent living needs of the settlers in light of changing realities.